Sunday, August 19, 2007


Sorry about the text last time. The computer had a problem of some sort.

Okay so I'm still grieving about SunShine but it's getting better (of course I'll always miss him. )

Our van was sent to go get fixed. When it gets back my life will change. First: I will take those riding lessons and, after those lessons I will have lessons at a stable that we found in the area. Second: I will volunteer at an animal shelter. That will be fun. :)

I will try to post every day.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Okay so I told you a little bit about SunShine and said I'd post pics. But.

SunShine Evan passed away JULY 10,2007 :(

Other than that not much has happened except that we moved. IN JUNE. So I kinda hate our new place. ( see first paragraph )

Oh we got him cremated.

Monday, March 5, 2007


I love computers when they're doing what I want them to do. Otherwise, I hate computers!!!!!! :)

I'm going to take those riding lessons in the spring. I can hardly wait for spring to come. I LOVE HORSES!!!!!!!!

Not much has happened lately.

I would post some pictures of my hamster SUNSHINE but I don't know how to. I HATE COMPUTERS!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

High Tech Stuff

Hi there! Hello! How you been? I think I forgot about my blog for a while. Well here I am. Now about that title. Well did you know that most new cell phones have internet on them. I think that's amazing. Yet I almost think that it's to be taken for granted. Most people already take it for granted. Oh, and there's the fact that we don't have a land line. Just cell phones.

Most of you are going to read my blog then go read someone else's on a computer. Or maybe your cell phone or laptop.

There's also iPods and stuff. Massage chairs, massage beds, PDAs, and my dad knows a band that uses a computer for most of the instruments. Not to mention all the medicines that there are.

Good day, see ya round, bye y'all, come back soon!! :)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Horses!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) and Music

I GOT FOUR!!!! 1 2 3 4 FREE!!!!! HORSE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LESSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From my aunts and grandma for christmas.

I am super-duper-de-duper-de-duper excited. And I am soooooo sorry that Die-Hard Equestrian can not be there to see the horses. Horses is my favorite word in the world. :) :) :)

Last Saturday night Die-Hard Equestrian came over and baby-sat my sister and I. It was fun.

I was listening to the radio and the song Stray Cat Strut by the Stray Cats came on then I started to sing along. I have been dreaming about American Idol ever since.

I love horses. *shrieks*

Friday, January 26, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in forever. I have been soooooo busy and my mom uses the only computer in the house. (The only working one anyway.)

I am soooo glad it has finally decided to snow around here anyway. I had some fun playing in the snow.

I love my hamster Sunshine. She is soooooo cute.

Post soon. I promise.