Friday, February 23, 2007

High Tech Stuff

Hi there! Hello! How you been? I think I forgot about my blog for a while. Well here I am. Now about that title. Well did you know that most new cell phones have internet on them. I think that's amazing. Yet I almost think that it's to be taken for granted. Most people already take it for granted. Oh, and there's the fact that we don't have a land line. Just cell phones.

Most of you are going to read my blog then go read someone else's on a computer. Or maybe your cell phone or laptop.

There's also iPods and stuff. Massage chairs, massage beds, PDAs, and my dad knows a band that uses a computer for most of the instruments. Not to mention all the medicines that there are.

Good day, see ya round, bye y'all, come back soon!! :)

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